赖想祥,男, 1958年出生于福建上杭县,中共党员,现为深圳市龙城高级中学地理高级教师,福建师范大学本科毕业,广东省高级教师评审委员,文化部入库艺术人才(书法专业),中国书法院院士,中国硬笔书法协会会员,国家一级书法师(家),河南省十万文化艺术中心特聘终身艺术家。赖老师从小酷爱书法,参加工作以来,多年师从于清华大学美术学院博士后、研究生导师吴晓懿教授和我国著名书法家启功弟子、北京师范大学美术学院博士生导师李洪智教授,临摹钟繇、孙过庭、董其昌、王羲之、王献之、欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权、赵孟頫、禇遂良、虞世南等秦晋以来书家书谱,对笔法有着深入的研究,经不断打磨,行、草、楷、隶、篆书体形成了独特的书风。作品曾多次参加国家级书法大赛、全球书法擂台赛,荣获特等奖、金奖、一等奖等,出版书法作品专集,参加过北京、上海、港澳台地区和中华魂全球华人书画名家作品展。多幅作品被东南亚、欧美、澳大利亚华侨华人、政府官员收藏、国内多家电视新闻媒体作专题报道。书法作品职称润格:每平方尺6000到8000元人民币。
Lai Xiangxiang, male, born in 1958 in Shanghang County, Fujian Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is now a senior geography teacher in Longcheng Senior Middle School, Shenzhen. He graduated from Fujian Normal University and is a member of Guangdong Senior Teachers'Assessment Committee. He is a member of the Chinese Calligraphy Court, the Chinese Hard-pen Calligraphy Association, the first-class national calligrapher (home), and 100,000 culture in Henan Province. The Art Center specializes in lifelong artists. Mr. Lai loved calligraphy very much since he was a child. He has worked for many years under the guidance of Professor Wu Xiaoyi, a postdoctoral and Postgraduate Tutor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, and Professor Li Hongzhi, a disciple of Qigong, a well-known calligrapher in China, and a doctoral tutor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Beijing Normal University. He has copied Zhong Qi, Sun Guoting, Dong Qichang, Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Ouyang Inquiry, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Zhao Mengfu and Zhao Sui Liang, Yu Shinan and other calligraphers since the Qin and Jin Dynasties have made in-depth study of the brushwork. Through continuous polishing, Xing, Cao, Kai, Li and seal scripts have formed a unique style of calligraphy. His works have participated in national and global calligraphy competition for many times, won the first prize, gold prize, first prize and so on. He has published a collection of calligraphy works and participated in works exhibitions of famous Chinese calligraphers and painters in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the soul of China. Many works have been collected by overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, Europe and America, Australia, government officials, and many domestic television news media for special coverage. Calligraphy Title Runge: 6000 to 8000 yuan per square foot.
In recent decades, he has been selected to publish twelve books of calligraphers'works, compiled and published a Book of calligraphy course of Longcheng Senior High School in Shenzhen for the use of the whole school's students, held many exhibitions of personal calligraphy works in our school and other places, and gave more than ten special lectures on calligraphy by county (city, district) training institutions. His calligraphy works have been awarded National Gold Prize or First Prize for many times, and have been collected by many provinces and municipalities in China, overseas Chinese and some government officials in Europe, America and Southeast Asia. In December 2016, he attended the National Annual Conference of Creation of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painters held in Beijing Great Hall of the People, awarded the National Elite Person Medal of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painters and the First Prize Certificate of the National Calligraphy Competition, and made an exchange speech at the conference. His calligraphic works have been selected for exhibition in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan for many times. More than fifty students in the calligraphy training class of the instructor of the education system and the students of secondary and secondary schools who participated in the calligraphy competitions at all levels won the gold, first, second, third prizes, and were highly praised by the community and colleagues.