Haotian Hao , Vice-Chairman of China Calligrapher and Painter Association, National First-Class Artist, Researcher of China Calligrapher and Painter Art Research Institute, Director of China Calligrapher Association, Vice-Chairman of China Liezi Cultural Research Association, Vice-President of World Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Art Academy, Professor, Vice-Chairman of World Association of Calligrapher and Painter Artists, Professional Calligrapher and Painter of Nanjing Calligrapher and Painter Academy, Teachers from Shijun and other famous contemporary writers. It combines the artistic essence of Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Fan Zeng, Li Dinglong and other masters, runs through the past and the present, and becomes a family of its own. In the art of calligraphy, Mr. Haotian perfectly inherits the artistic essence of Mr. Mubai and all the calligraphers of the past dynasties, and more integrates the artistic brilliance of the stele stickers of the past dynasties, such as Yan, Liu, Ou, Zhao and Erwang. Hao Haotian's achievements in calligraphy have been fully affirmed and highly praised by Professor Yang Xin, an expert in aesthetics at Peking University. In 2007, the painting "Ao Gu Tu" was collected by the former President of South Korea, Mr. Roh Wu-chong, for $200,000. In 2008, Man Jiang Hong was purchased by Mr. Ho Hung Sen for HK$1 million and donated to the Singapore Chinese Council for permanent display. The representative works "Man Jiang Hong" and "The opening words of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms" were collected by the Great Hall of the People, Diaoyutai State Guest House, China's Liezi Stele Forest, Yuefei Memorial Hall and other important institutions. His works are highly praised and collected by high-level politicians in Southeast Asia and famous scholars at home and abroad. Mr. Hao Haotian was awarded the "United Nations Outstanding Cultural Merit Award" and the "United Nations Ambassador for Peace and Friendship Award". At the same time, Mr. Haotian was awarded the honor of "Ten Legendary Figures of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting". His deeds were recorded in the World Celebrity List and the Dictionary of the World Chinese Calligraphers and Painters. In 2018, he won the award of "Art Moved China Person of the Year 2018", "Art Leading Person" and "Special Invited Artists of Chinese Rites, Calligraphy and Painting".
郝浩天,中国书画家协会副主席、国家一级美术师,中国书画艺术研究院研究员,中国书法家协会理事,中国列子文化研究会副会长,世界华人书画艺术院副院长,教授,世界书画艺术家联合会副主席,南京书画院专业书画家,师从著名艺术家:刘文西、启功、欧阳中石,朱士君等当代名家。并融汇齐白石、张大千、范曾、李丁陇等大师的艺术精华,贯通古今,自成一家。在书法艺术上,浩天先生完美传承了幕白先生及历代书法大家的艺术精髓,更融汇颜、柳、欧、赵、二王等历代碑贴的艺术光辉。郝浩天先生在书法方面所取得的成就,曾得到北京大学、美学专家杨辛教授的充分肯定与极高赞誉。2007年绘画作品《傲骨图》被韩国前总统卢武铉先生以20万美金友好收藏。2008年《满江红》被何鸿燊先生100万港币购得,并捐赠于新加坡华人理事会作永久陈列。代表作品《满江红》、《三 国演义开篇词》绘画作品: ( 冬山雪韵》、《江山多娇》等,被人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆、中国列子碑林、岳飞纪念馆等重要机构收藏。作品备受东南亚高层政要、及国内外学者名流推崇收藏。郝浩天先生曾荣获: ‘联合国杰出文化功勋奖’、‘联合国和平友好大使奖’。同时,浩天先生被授予“中国书画十大传奇人物”殊荣。其事迹被载入《世界名人录》、《世界华人书画家大辞典 》等典籍。在2018年荣获《2018艺术感动中国年度人物》 , 《艺术领军人物》,《中华国礼书画特邀艺术家》 。