































陈永健,号闲云轩主,1971年出生于湖南湘西凤凰,汉族,师从著名画家田儒乾先生。受益于黄永玉,田儒龙,刘鸿洲,田大年,肖振中,彭继辉等艺术大家们的指导与教诲。现今为全国名人书画艺术界联合会常务委员,中央国家机关美术家协会会员,北京中宣盛世国际书画院客座教授,澳洲悉尼特邀艺术家, 香港艺术家协会会员,湖南省青年美术家协会会员,湘西自治州美术家协会会员,凤凰县美术家协会副秘书长,工艺美术家协会理事,爱心协会文化艺术拓展部主任等。作品多以苗岭风光土寨小景,沱水吊楼古居民宅为表现对象及创作素材。其用笔大胆泼辣,苍劲古拙。宁静而富有诗意,具有很浓的民族气息。作品遵循古法以传统为根自然为师,其色彩厚重明丽,淡雅而不俗与时具进有较强的时代感。作品曾多次参加省内外各级展出并得到好评与嘉奖,深受海内外人士所收藏。2008年作品《小溪吊楼》分别在中国美术馆及湖南省美术馆展出。同年由本人绘制的首份《凤凰古城手绘地图》由湖南省地图出版社出版并发行。2011年作品《沱水旧楼》入选庆祝中国共产党成立九十周年全州美展。2012年作品《山青水秀夺翠楼》在全国书画大赛中获银奖。蜡染作品《花卉一组》,《古城一角》入选湖南工艺美术职业学院第二届学院奖,优秀奖。2015年作品《瑞雪纷飞兆古城》参加湘西名家书画摄影联展,并出作品集。2016年多幅作品入选《香港艺术家》协会杂志,并刊登发行。同年湘西人物访谈”专画吊脚楼的湘西汉子”由“本真文艺”栏目对其艺术人生进行专题采访与媒体报导。2017年7随“中国文化进万家”艺术团赴香港参加“庆祝香港回归二十周年”大型诗书画文化艺术节暨颁盛典。被组委会授予“杰出画家”的荣誉称号。作品《三湘春晓》被香港组委会收藏。作品《古城夺翠》被全国名人书画艺术界联合会收藏。2018年1月,为庆祝中国共产党十九次全国代表大会胜利召开,不忘初心继续前进。其多幅作品入选由中国国家邮政总局出版的,限量版珍藏邮册在全国发行。被评为“最具收藏价值”的实力派书画名家。同年八月作品入选新时代,新征程,“真迹杯”全国国画名家作品展,荣获铜奖,被授予“最具人气”国画名家的荣誉称号。十一月中旬,以特邀嘉宾身份赴安微合肥,录制电视系列节目“国 学”《名师有约》对其艺术人生进行访谈。联系电话:18874351472,0743-3227823
Chen Yongjian, the owner of Xiaoyun Xuan, was born in Fenghuang, Xiangxi, Hunan Province, in 1971. He is a Han nationality. He was taught by Mr. Tian Ruqian, a famous painter. Benefiting from the guidance and instruction of Huang Yongyu, Tian Rulong, Liu Hongzhou, Tian Danian, Xiao Zhenzhong, Peng Jihui and other artists. Nowadays, he is a standing member of the National Celebrity Association of Calligraphy and Painting, a member of the Artists Association of Central State Organs, a visiting professor of Beijing Zhongxuansheng International Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, an invited artist from Sydney, Australia, a member of Hong Kong Artists Association, a member of Hunan Young Artists Association, a member of the Artists Association of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, and a member of Fenghuang County Deputy Secretary-General of Artists Association, Director of Arts and Crafts Association, Director of Culture and Art Development Department of Love Association, etc. The works mostly take the scenery of Miaoling Tuzhai and the ancient dwelling houses of Tuoshui suspension tower as the performance objects and creative materials. Its pen is bold, spicy and vigorous. Quiet and poetic, with a strong national flavor. Following the ancient law and taking tradition as the root and nature as the teacher, the works are rich and bright in color, elegant but not vulgar and have a strong sense of the times. The works have participated in exhibitions at various levels both inside and outside the province for many times, and have received high praise and awards. They are well collected by people at home and abroad. The 2008 work "Xiaoxi Hanging Tower" was exhibited at the China Museum of Art and Hunan Museum of Art. In the same year, the first Hand-drawn Map of Phoenix Ancient City was published and issued by Hunan Map Publishing House. In 2011, Tuoshui Old Building was selected to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In 2012, his work "Green Landscape Wins Green Tower" won the silver prize in the National Painting and Calligraphy Competition. The batik work Flowers Group and the corner of the ancient city were selected as the second Academy Award of Hunan Vocational College of Arts and Crafts and the Excellence Award. In 2015, the work "Ruixue Feixiang Ancient City" participated in the joint exhibition of calligraphy, painting and photography of famous artists in Western Hunan, and produced a collection of works. In 2016, many works were selected and published in the magazine of Hong Kong Artists Association. In the same year, Xiangxi Han Zi who specializes in the Diaojiao Tower was interviewed and reported on his artistic life by the media in the column "True Literature and Art". In 2007, he went to Hong Kong with the Art Troupe of "Chinese Culture into Ten Thousand Families" to attend the "Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return" large-scale poetry, calligraphy and painting culture and Art Festival and grand ceremony. He was awarded the honorary title of "outstanding painter" by the organizing committee. The work "Three Hunan Spring Dawn" has been collected by the Hong Kong Organizing Committee. The work "Grabbing the Green City" has been collected by the National Association of Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art. In January 2018, in celebration of the victory of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will continue to advance without forgetting our hearts. Several of his works have been selected for publication by the State Administration of Posts of China, and limited edition collections of postbooks have been distributed throughout the country. He was rated as the "most valuable collector" of the powerful school of painting and calligraphy. In August of the same year, works were selected into the new era and new journey, and the National Exhibition of Chinese Painting Famous Artists'Works of "True Tradition Cup" won the bronze prize and was awarded the honorary title of "the most popular" Chinese Painting Famous Artist. In mid-November, he went to Hefei, Anwei as a special guest to record a series of TV programs "Chinese Studies" and "A Famous Teacher's Appointment" to interview his artistic life.