Jiang Ling, pen name Yuqing, Guilin native of Guangxi, Vice President of New Silk Road International Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Director of Guilin Women's Calligraphy and Painting Association, Member of Guilin Artists Association and Member of Guilin Chinese Painting Research Association. From childhood, he was educated by his family and loved Danqing. He was taught by famous teachers Xu Jiajuan and Zhang Xueshan. He participated in the national children's art competition many times and won many prizes. He won the first prize in the Sino-Japanese Friendship Children's Art Competition. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Guangxi Normal University. He was taught by Bai Xiaojun, Luo Kezhong and Li Dehui. Landscape Teachers were taught by famous Chinese paintings Teacher Li Changtian, who held the exhibition in the Taipei Hero Art Museum in November 2015, was highly praised and recognized by Taiwan compatriots and was well received and collected by people from all walks of life. In 2016, he held a painting exhibition in Guangdong, and in April 2017, he went to Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes to sketch and hold a painting exhibition in Tianshui, Gansu Province. In February 2018, he published a personal picture album. In April of the same year, he was invited to Komatsu City, Japan to hold a successful painting exhibition. His works were received and collected by the mayor, and the exhibition was widely praised.
蒋玲,笔名雨晴,广西桂林人,中国新丝路国际书画院副院长,桂林市女子书画协会理事,桂林市美术家协会会员,桂林市中国画研究会会员。自幼受家庭薰陶爱好丹青,师从名家徐家珏、张雪山老师,曾多次参加全国少儿美术比赛并多次获奖,中日友好儿童美术比赛中获一等奖,毕业于广西师范大学美术系,师从白晓军、罗克中、李德辉老师,山水师从中国著名画家李长田老师,2015年11月在台北英雄艺术馆举办画展 受到台湾同胞的好评和认可,并获社会各界人士一致好评及收藏 。2016年在广东举办画展,2017年4月去敦煌莫高窟写生,并在甘肃天水写生并举办画展。2018年2月出版个人画册,同年4月应邀去日本小松市成功举办画展,受到市长接见并收藏其作品,画展受到广泛好评。