Jasper Johns (May 15, 1930-) was born in Augusta, Georgia, USA. Jasper Jones is one of the most important and influential artists in the twentieth century in the United States. He is even listed as one of the greatest printmakers in the history of art such as Diller, Rembrandt, Goya, Monk and Picasso. He also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the White House in 2011.
Jones's works are often categorized as neo-Dadaism rather than pop art, although his creative materials often include images and objects of popular culture. His most famous work is the flag (1954-1955), inspired by the American flag he dreamed of. The flag of Jones is a visual impact, which is totally different from the meaning conveyed by the flag. As a work of art, the flag exists in the form of oil painting by borrowing the image of the flag. Jones's artistic ideas give his works a variety of vanguard significance, similar to Duchamp's works, a Dada artist who holds an important position in his artistic ideas. Jones also has a certain scale printmaking, and the concept of art is similar to that of oil painting.
Jones's printmaking is closely related to oil painting. After Jones completed an oil painting, he often produced the same printmaking. Jones seldom does detailed research before painting an oil painting. On the contrary, when an oil painting is finished, he tries to make different processing of the image. These sketches sometimes turn into different prints, which is that many of Jones's prints have the same image, but sometimes different versions have subtle differences and modifications.