Traditional Chinese painting

Traditional Chinese painting

Traditional Chinese painting

Traditional Chinese painting

Traditional Chinese painting

Traditional Chinese painting

刘伟,现为中国文化管理协会艺术品市场管理委员会会员、中国民协传统书画创作研究中心特聘国画家。河南十万文化艺术中心特聘高级书画研究员,入选“中国华夏万里行书画家协会”(工信部备案)评选的“中国当代国礼艺术家。”作品荣登澳洲悉尼“中国书画网”并成为特邀艺术家。1990年师从有“中国草虫第一人”和“蝈蝈许”著称的国画名家许鸿宾先生,研习花鸟草虫画,许先生的《百蝶图》和《杜鹃飞蝶》等多幅作品被人民大会堂收藏。刘伟承许先生一脉画风,蒙恩师的教诲作画先做人,逆顺刻苦不二,后跟随著名画家、美术理论家、教育家张守涛先生学习,多年来笔耕不辍。其作品多次参加全国,特别是金融系统书画展,并多次获奖,2017年与国家文联副主席罗杨先生等六人在北京湖广会馆共同举办画展。作品在北京前门大街“正阳美术馆”举办的 “新.春”——2018当代书画名家新媒体数字艺术展参展。荣获由雅昌、搜狐、凤凰联合推出的“2018全国艺术年度骄傲人物”荣誉称号和由十万艺术、搜狐、腾讯等二十多家网络媒体联合主办的全国第三届《最具影响力书画家》称号。作品入选“传世书画艺术网”成为特邀签约画家,并荣获“传世艺术家”荣誉称号。其作品具有很高的艺术欣赏价值、市场升值空间和收藏价值,受到了书画界及社会各界人士的好评喜爱和收藏。

Wei Liu is a member of the Art Market Management Committee of the Chinese Cultural Management Association and a special Chinese painter of the Traditional Calligraphy and Painting Creation Research Center of the Chinese People's Association. Henan 100,000 Cultural and Art Center specially recruited senior calligraphy and painting researcher, and was selected as "Contemporary Chinese National Ritual Artist" by "China Huaxia Wanlihang Calligrapher and Painter Association" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the record). His works were awarded the title of "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Network" in Sydney, Australia, and became an invited artist. In 1990, Mr. Xu Hongbin, a famous Chinese painter with the title of "the first Chinese caterpillar" and "Xu Scorpion", studied flower, bird, grass and insect paintings. Xu's "hundred butterflies" and "Cuckoo, flying butterflies" were collected in the Great Hall of the People. Mr. Liu Wei Chengxu's style of painting is the same as that of Mr. Zhang Shoutao, a famous painter, art theorist and educator, who has been working hard for many years. His works have participated in the national painting and calligraphy exhibition, especially in the financial system, and won many awards. In 2017, he held a painting exhibition with Mr. Luo Yang, Vice-Chairman of the National Culture Federation and other six people in Huguang Guild Hall, Beijing. Works in Beijing Qianmen Street "Zhengyang Art Museum" held "New. Spring" - Contemporary Painters and Calligraphers New Media Digital Art Exhibition 2018. He was awarded the honorary title of "Proud Person of the National Art Year 2018" jointly launched by Yachang, Sohu and Phoenix, and the title of "The Most Influential Calligrapher" co-sponsored by more than 20 online media such as 100,000 arts, Sohu and Tencent. His works were selected as "Handed-down Calligraphy and Painting Art Network" and became an invited artist, and won the honorary title of "Handed-down Artist". His works have high artistic appreciation value, market appreciation space and collection value, and are well appreciated and loved by the calligraphy and painting circles and people from all walks of life.